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Monday, September 8, 2014

Kalmegh (कालमेघ), Andrographis Peniculata

Kalmegh (कालमेघ), Andrographis Peniculata
Common Name: कालमेघ, महातीता, महाभांग,

It shows hepatoprotective and potent anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant action. It improves non-specific immune response. Although both andrographis and beta glucan effective immune enhancers, Extracts of andrographis,have been shown to stimulate powerful immune responses in living creatures. The immune response may be specific directed at a microbial invader already present in the body, or generally, strengthening the immune system in preparation against future infections. Andrographis strongly stimulates phagocytosis and the production of specific antibodies.

The herb has a number of purported medicinal uses in treatment of upper respiratory infection, ulcerative colitis and rheumatic symptoms. There is no evidence of its effectiveness in cancer treatment. It shows a significant drying effect on the nasal secretions of cold sufferers in children.

Pregnant women shouldn't use andrographis because it could terminate pregnancy.

Herb had a significant drying effect on the nasal secretions of cold sufferers. Andrographis paniculata extracts may have the potential to be used as a mosquito repellant. Mostly the leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes. It shows hepatoprotective action.

कालमेघ कफ को दूर करने वाला, मन को उत्तेजित करने वाला एवं पाचन शक्ति को बढ़ाने वाला होता है। यह आंव को दूर करता है और यकृत ज़िगर को उत्तेजित करता है। इसके प्रयोग से पित्त सामान्य बना रहता है एवं खून साफ रहता है। यह दंत रोग को दूर करता है, पेट के कीड़ों को नष्ट करता है, सूजन को मिटाता है और पसीने को साफ करता है. सफेद दाग (कुष्ठ रोग), बुखार जीर्ण बुखार को ठीक करने के लिए कालमेघ का प्रयोग किया जाता है. बीमारी के कारण कमजोर हुए बच्चों के लिए यह लाभदायक होता है. यह खून को साफ करता है.

The whole plant has astringent, anodyne, antinflammatory, immunosuppressive and alexipharmic properties and useful in diarrhea, cholera, fever, diabetes, consumption, influenza, coryza, cough, sore throat, tonsillitis, ostiodynia, bronchitis, itches, artheralgia, mensural and ganorrhoea.

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