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Friday, October 31, 2014

CHHUHARA Dried Date Palm छुहारा

Chhuhara is very rich in healthy nutrients that can be used to cure various health disorders like diarrhea, constipation, intestinal disorders, anemia, heart problems, abdominal cancer, sexual dysfunction, and so many. Surprisingly Chhuhara is a good home remedy for gaining weight as well as losing weight.  
Because of its laxative nature it provides a lot of help in curing chronic constipation and provides instant relief if soaked dates are eaten in the morning regularly. It contains high level of soluble fibers which promotes the healthy bowel movements and eases the passage of food all through the intestinal tract. Well ripe dates have good amount of potassium which plays very effective role in controlling the diarrhea by regulating the electrolytes balance in the body. Nicotine found in it helps in curing various intestinal disorders such as inhibiting growth of pathogenic bacteria, promotes growth of intestinal friendly bacteria, solves indigestion problem by stimulating proper food digestion and so many. It reduces the risk abdominal cancer as it helps in regularizing the digestive system activities. Its high level of insoluble and soluble dietary fibers acts as laxative and protects colon mucous membrane from the colon cancer. Eating dry dates on regular basis helps in treating various digestives disorders including gas formation, acidity, bloating, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, heart burn and colitis.
It provides bone, teeth and joints proper nourishment for the healthy growth and development. It is a super food which strengthens bones and prevents from all the painful and degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and etc. Its high level of fluorine mineral helps in slowing down the tooth decay problems. Fluorine prevents from the plaque formation of the teeth by strengthening the tooth enamel.
It helps in gaining weight among lean and weak people if eaten regularly because of its availability of high level of sugar, carbohydrate, protein, essential vitamins and etc which are mostly required to improve weight.
It also helps in keeping weight managed if it is eaten with cucumber paste. It contains high amount of natural sugars including glucose, fructose, and sucrose thus boosts the body energy level and removes weakness.
It is a vitamin rich natural food boosts the health of nervous system by stimulating the proper functionality. It is rich source of potassium which is mostly required by the body to promote the healthy nervous system as it helps in improving the concentration, speed and alertness of the memory.
It is very healthy for the heart too if eaten some soaked Chhuhara on regular basis. It helps in strengthening the weak hearts functioning as it is rich source of potassium which involves in reducing the risk of heart disorders like hypertension, stroke, heart failure. It helps in reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood thus prevents from heart attacks, atherosclerosis.
As it contains high amounts of natural sugars, it is a food of low-glycemic index and does not involve in rising the blood sugar level thus little amount is safe for the diabetics.
It is the natural source of B group vitamins especially B5 which is very beneficial for the growth of skin cells as well as repair of damaged cells due to free radicals. Its vitamin A content keeps skin healthy and soft by treating the dry skin problems and removing dead skin cells. It helps in regenerating new skin cells to make skin fresh, healthy, youthful and glowing. Its antioxidant nature prevents skin from free radicals, UV rays and early aging and make skin firm and toned. It helps in improving skin texture and makes skin smooth and fair skin if consumed regularly.
Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 found in it prevents from number of hair problems including hair loss, brittle hair, split ends. It provides better nourishment to the hair roots and scalp and prevents from excessive hair fall, dryness. It makes hair stronger, silky and shiny by providing full nourishment to the hair.
It prevents from the infections and disorders of various other body organs such as ear, eye, nose, and throat.
It prevents from the night blindness, low eyesight by regulating the eye functioning in order to maintain the proper eye sight. Vitamin-A found in it has antioxidant property and good for proper eye vision thus prevents body from early ageing and eye disorders including age-related macular degeneration.
It is a best home remedy to reduce the effects of alcoholic intoxication and provides quick relief.
It contains polyphenolic antioxidants called tannin which is anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and anti-hemorrhagic in nature thus prevents from various infections, inflammations and excess bleeding.
It contains some powerful antioxidants and flavonoids including beta-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin which have strong ability to protect body cells from the harmful side effects of free radicals. It provides strong protection from various body organs cancers such as breast, colon, prostate, endometrial, uterine, lung, pancreatic. It contains adequate amount of B group vitamins which act as cofactors in many metabolic functions such as digestion of protein, carbohydrate and fats whereas vitamin K act as a blood coagulant factor and bone metabolism.
It contains all the essential amino acids thus provides better nourishment to the body and prevents from seasonal health problems. It helps in preventing people very sensitive to the seasonal allergies as it contains organic sulfur which reduces sensitivity.
It helps in improving the muscle strength such as heart muscles, uterus muscles. High level of magnesium found in it reduces the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Magnesium mineral available in it prevents pregnant women, athletes and people undergoing strenuous physical exercises from long term illness. It has high concentrations of powerful antioxidants like anthocyanins and carotenoids protects from chronic disorders like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and neurological ailments including Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss. It contains some alkaline salts which help in regulating the acidity of blood and prevents from gout, gall bladder inflammations, renal stones, hypertension and piles.
It contains natural aphrodisiac property and helps in removing the sexual weaknesses among men by energizing the body and enhancing the sexual stamina if some dates (soaked in fresh goat milk overnight) are eaten on daily basis. It can be taken whole with milk with honey and cardamom powder by grinding in the juicer. It is a natural and powerful tonic for all men in order to enhance their sexual endurance as well as cure sterility and other sexual disorders. It contains some natural compounds called flavonoids and estradiols which are very helpful in increasing the sperm count, motility, stimulating proper growth of testes means size and weight.
It is very effective during whole pregnancy because of its richness of iron which is required by the body to maintain normal count of hemoglobin. It helps in curing anemia among women during pregnancy by fulfilling the lack of iron as well as removes feeling of fatigue, weakness and sluggishness. It enhances the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood by increasing the number of red blood cells thus keeps body fresh and energetic as well as provide better oxygen level to the fetus. It helps in improving uterus muscles contraction and smoothing the baby passage during delivery time as well as prevents from excessive bleeding after childbirth.
As kids are growing age and need more healthy and essential nutrients for proper growth and development of their bones, teeth, skin, hair, memory, brain and other body systems thus it is good to give them some soaked dates on daily basis. It is good for the lean and weak kids to gain weight in natural way. It helps in enhancing their memory and concentration level.
Date juice can be prepared at home by mixing some soaked dates into milk. Mix both into blender and enjoy drinking it into a glass. It is a good nourishment drink to the skin and hair, provide better texture, smoothness and softness to the skin and hair. Consuming date juice is very good to process natural birth as it stimulates contraction of uterus muscles. It is rich in lots of antioxidants and flavonoids thus prevent from cancer and early aging. It is good and cheap natural home remedy to easily gain more weight as it is rich source of sugar and carbohydrates. It solves the problem of constipation as it contains insoluble dietary fibers as laxative. It is good for the bones and teeth because of being source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and copper.
छुहारा और खजूर के फायदे
छुहारा और खजूर एक ही पेड़ की देन है और इन दोनों की तासीर गर्म होती है। यह गरीब का गुड़ और अमीर का मेवा है। नारियल और खजूर ही ऐसे पेड़ हैं, जिन्हें वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा ऑल परपज ट्री कहा जाता है। गर्म तासीर होने के कारण सर्दियों में तो इसकी उपयोगिता और बढ़ जाती है। छुहारे की तासीर गर्म होने से ठंड के दिनों में इसका सेवन नाड़ी के दर्द में भी आराम देता है।
छुहारा यानी सूखा हुआ खजूर आमाशय को बल प्रदान करता है। छुहारा के प्रयोग से शरीर हृष्ट-पुष्ट बनता है, शरीर को शक्ति देने के लिए मेवों के साथ छुहारे का प्रयोग खासतौर पर किया जाता है। छुहारे व खजूर दिल को शक्ति प्रदान करते हैं। यह शरीर में रक्त वृद्धि करते हैं। साइटिका रोग से पीड़ित लोगों को इससे विशेष लाभ होता है। खजूर के सेवन से दमे के रोगियों के फेफड़ों से बलगम आसानी से निकल जाता है। लकवा और सीने के दर्द की शिकायत को दूर करने में भी खजूर सहायता करता है। भूख बढ़ाने के लिए छुहारे का गूदा निकाल कर दूध में पकाएं। उसे थोड़ी देर पकने के बाद ठंडा करके पीस लें। यह दूध बहुत पौष्टिक होता है। इससे भूख बढ़ती है और खाना भी पच जाता है।
स्त्रियों के प्रदर रोग में छुआरे की गुठलियों को कूट कर घी में तल कर, गोपी चन्दन के साथ खाने से प्रदर रोग दूर हो जाता है। छुहारे को पानी में भिगो दें। गल जाने पर इन्हें हाथ से मसल दें। इस पानी का कुछ दिन प्रयोग करें, शारीरिक जलन दूर होगी। अगर आप पतले हैं और थोड़ा मोटा होना चाहते हैं तो छुहारा आपके लिए वरदान साबित हो सकता है।
जुकाम से परेशान रहते हैं तो एक गिलास दूध में पांच दाने खजूर डालें। पांच दाने काली मिर्च, एक दाना इलायची और उसे अच्छी तरह उबाल कर उसमें एक चम्मच घी डाल कर रात में पी लें। सर्दी-जुकाम बिल्कुल ठीक हो जाएगा। दमा की शिकायत है तो दो-दो छुहारे सुबह-शाम चबा-चबा कर खाएं। इससे कफ व सर्दी से मुक्ति मिलती है। घाव है तो छुहारे की गुठली को पानी के साथ पत्थर पर घिस कर उसका लेप घाव पर लगाएं, घाव तुरंत भर जाएगा।
अगर शीघ्रपतन की समस्या से परेशान हैं तो तीन महीने तक छुहारे का सेवन आपको समस्या से मुक्ति दिला देगा। इसके लिए प्रात: खाली पेट दो छुहारे टोपी समेत दो सप्ताह तक खूब चबा-चबाकर खाएं। तीसरे सप्ताह में तीन छुहारे खाएं और चौथे सप्ताह से 12वें सप्ताह तक चार-चार छुहारों का रोज सेवन करें।
डायबिटीज में भी 1-2 खजूर का सेवन कर सकते हैं, ब्‍लड शुगर नहीं बढता। खजूर में कोलेस्‍ट्रॉल बिल्‍कुल भी नहीं होता। तो अगर आप डायटिंग कर रहे हैं तो खजूर को बडे़ आराम से खा सकते हैं वो भी बिना डरे हुए। कम रक्तचाप वाले रोगी 3-4 खजूर गर्म पानी में धोकर गुठली निकाल दें। इन्हें गाय के गर्म दूध के साथ उबाल लें। उबले हुए दूध को सुबह-शाम पीएं। कुछ ही दिनों में कम रक्तचाप से छुटकारा मिल जाएगा। रतौंधी खजूर में विटामिन ए और एंटी ऑक्‍सीडेंट तत्‍व पाए जाते हैं, जो कि रतौंधी की बीमारी में बहुत जरुरी माना जाता है। गर्भावस्‍था वे महिलाएं जो गर्भवती भी हैं और एनीमिया से भी लड़ रही हैं, उनके तथा उनके शिशु के लिये आइरन, कैल्‍श्यिम, मैग्‍नीशियम, फास्‍फोरस और सेलीनियम से भरा खजूर खाना बहुत जरुरी है। इसको खाने से खून में हीमोग्‍लोबीन बढ जाता है। ऑस्‍टियोपुरोसिस इन दिनों तो मर्द भी जोडो़ में दर्द की शिकायत करने लगे हैं। हड्डियों में दर्द केवल कैल्‍शियम की कमी की वजह से होता है, तो रोजाना कुछ खजूर खाने से कैल्‍शियम की कमी पूरी हो जाएगी। आंत्र विकार यदि आपको आंत्र विकार है तो आप खजूर खाना शुरु कीजिये क्‍योंकि इसमें कैल्‍शियम, विटामिन बी5, फाइबर, विटामिन बी3, पोटैशियम और कॉपर होता है जो कि इस समस्‍या को दूर करता है। दांत की सड़न रोके दांत का दर्द और उसकी सड़न को खजूर दूर कर सकता है। ऐसा इसलिये क्‍योंकि इसमें फ्लोरीन नामक मिनरल होता है जो कि दांतों की समस्‍या को दूर करता है। कब्‍ज दूर करे जिन लोगो को कब्‍ज की पेरशानी है वे रात को सोने से पहले कुछ खजूर पानी में भिगो दें और सुबह उसे खा लें। खजूर में प्रोटीन, रेशा और पोषण होता है जिससे कब्‍ज की समस्‍या दूर हो जाती है। सर्दियों में सेहत बनाने के लिए इससे बेहतर कुछ हो ही नहीं सकता। यह रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता भी बढ़ाता है। रंग साफ करता है। दिल को मजबूत बनाता है।

Date face pack (paste of fresh dates, lemon juice or orange juice) can be applied to the face skin for 10 to15 mins to get fresh and glowing look.

1 comment:

  1. thankes to Dr osaze who cured me of low sperm count and premature ejaculation, i was married for five years without an issue, my wife was now already comteplating divorce. until i saw Dr osaze's recommendations online, and i surmon courage to contact him, and he administered his herb on me, after two moonths my wife became pregnant. incase you wants to contact him for a similar problem, you can reach him through his email address: or call +2347089275769
