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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

GANDHAK RASAYAN - Health Benefits

GANDHAK RASAYAN (Sulfur Rasayan)
Gandhak Rasayan is a natural supplement for rejuvenation. Regular use of this product gives luster to the skin and improves its aura. It helps to improve the immune system, longevity as well as eliminates the harmful effects. It is good remedy for all skin diseases. Regular use of Gandhak Rasayan gives lusture to the skin and improves its aura. This rasayan improve the immune system and eliminate harmful effects. It is a good remedy for all type skin diseases, like Kustha (leprosy), Urticaria, Boils, Eczema, Acne, blood impurities, Psoriasis etc.
Gandhaka Rasayana (Sulfur Rejuvenator) - Health Benefits
Gandhak Rasayan corrects all three doshas say Vata, Kapha and Pitta are now popularly known as Kinetic, Potential and thermal energy.
Gandhak Rasayan is best medicine to treat with blood impurities.
Sulphur draws moisture from the environment into the skin. Applying sulphur products help to keep the skin hydrated. It helps to generate fresher and younger looking skin. It can also be used as an excellent topical exfoliate. It removes the dead surface of the skin and reveals the healthy and glowing looking skin from underneath.
It is an excellent rejuvenator. It is effective in treating liver disorders and various skin diseases. It is a digestive and carminative. It is an excellent remedy to flush out toxins from the body. It acts like a catalyst; it is also very helpful in curing intestinal worms and enlargement of spleen.
It is used to treat chronic fever, skin diseases, diarrhoea, urinary tract disorders, pruritis, malabsorption syndrome, bleeding disorders, oligospermia.
It is anti aging medicine, improves digestion, skin complexion and immunity.
Gandhak Rasayan ingredients and how it is made?
1)    It involves a special preparation where the mixing process is repeated several times, about over a six-month period to make the rasayana.
10 g fine powder of Gandhaka – Purified Sulphur
It is ground till dryness for 8 times each with the following:
(1)    Godugdha (Cow milk)
Water decoction / juice extract of
(2)    Twak or Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
(3)    Ela or Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)
(4)    Patra (Cinnamomum tamala)
(6)    Guduchi or Indian Tinospora (stem) - (Tinospora cordifolia)
(9)    Vibhitaki or Belliric Myrobalan (Terminalia bellirica)
(10)Shunti/Adraka or Ginger (rhizome) – (Zingiber officinalis)
(12)Sita – Sugar Syrup
Reference: Yogaratnakara Rasayana Adhikara 
Gandhak Rasayan Side Effects:
Self-medication with this medicine is strictly not recommended. Take this only under strict medical supervision. Take this medicine in precise dose and for limited period of time, as advised by doctor.
Un-purified sulfur can cause hot sensations, blood defects and mental disorders.  Gandhaka Bhasma is used for skin diseases, blood defects, lead poisoning, and mercury poisoning.

Benefits in Hindi:

  1. गंधक रसायन कुष्ठ रोगखाज और उग्रविषदोष को नष्ट करता है|
  2. इसके सेवन से पाचन शक्ति बलवान होती हैशारीर पुष्ट होता है और वीर्य की वृद्धि होती है. घोर अतिसारगृहणीरक्त और शूल सहित गृहणीजीर्ण ज्वरप्रमेहवात रोगउदर रोगसोमरोगअंडकोष वृद्धि को दूर करता है|
  3. बिल्कुल मरण तुल्य शरीर को निरोग बना कर बल व तेज में वृद्धि करता है|
  4. वात कफ़ और पित्त तीनो दोषों को ठीक करता है: मतलब बढे को घटाता है व घटे को बढ़ाता हैजीर्ण रोगराजयक्ष्मापांडुक्षय स्वासअर्श आदि रोगों को दूर करता है...|
  5. इस रसायन का मुख्य कार्य रक्त को शुद्ध करना और त्वचा के विकारों को दूर करना है|

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