



Friday, March 27, 2015

Vidhara (Argyreia nervosa)

घाव बेल (Ghav Bel), समुद्र शोख (Samudra Shokh), विधारा (Vidhara), बिधारा (Bidhara), मूर्वा (Murva), समुद्रफलक (Samudraphalaka), समुद्रशोष (Samudrashosha, Samudra Sosh), वृद्धदारु (Vriddadaru)

Argyreia nervosa is a perennial climbing vine that is native to the Indian subcontinent and introduced to numerous areas worldwide, including Hawaii, Africa and the Caribbean.
 There are two botanical varieties: Argyreia nervosa var. nervosa with its proven psychoactive value and Argyrea nervosa var. speciose, a species used in Ayurveda medicine, but with little to no psychoactive value. Argyreia nervosa var. nervosa plant has putative hallucinogenic properties and is famous for containing hallucinogenic ergoline alkaloids. The seeds of Argyreia nervosa var. nervosa contains the highest concentration of psychoactive compounds in the family. Traditional use of Argyreia nervosa var. speciosa in India usually employed the leaves and roots of the plants, which are not psychoactive, as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ayurvedic properties:
Rasa (Taste) – Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
Guna (Characteristics) -  Laghu (Light); Snigdha (Unctuous)
Veerya (Potency) - Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka (Post digestion effect) - Madhura (Sweet) 
Effect on Tridosha: Vidhara mool pacifies Kapha and Vata Doshas in the body so it can be used effectively in management of all the diseases which originate from aggravation of Kapha, Vata or both. 

Actions according to Ayurveda:
Rasayana: Vidhara mool rejuvenates each and every cell of the body
Vrushya: is a good aphrodisiac, this herb increases the sperm count and decreases the inflammation in the uterus
Aamvathar: is useful in all rheumatic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis etc.
Arshahara: is useful in hemorrhoids
Shothahar: Vidhara mool alleviates swelling from the body
Mehapranut: is useful in all urinary problems; passage of sugar with urine for example.
Ayushkar: this herb enhances livingness in the body
Medhavardhaka: Vidhara mool nourishes the brain tissues
Kantikar: Vidhara mool imparts a glowing and healthy look to the body
Useful part: Roots, Seeds, Leaves
           The whole plant is reported to have antiseptic properties
Vidhara mool is one of the most nutritive Ayurveda herb which specially nourishes the reproductive organs and is a good aphrodisiac.
Vidhara mool pacifies the Kapha and Vata Doshas so it is quite useful in diseases of Kapha & Vata origin. It is used is vat diseases, heart diseases, cough, hoarseness of voice, diabetes mellitus, sexual weakness, tuberculosis and emaciation.
Vidhara mool corrects the metabolism and benefits a lot in rheumatic conditions and metabolic disorders like rheumatic arthritis.
Vidhara mool helps in removing unwanted fluids from the body.
Vidhara mool also nourishes the brain cells and improves cognitive and analytical abilities.
Vidhara mool corrects the working of the digestive system which makes it also useful in hemorrhoids and other issues of digestive system.
Vidhara mool is also good in diabetes.
Vidhara mool nourishes the skin and improves complexion.

Application of the Vidhara leaves is done as an anti-inflammatory and wound healing. The leaves are antiphlogistic. They are applied over skin diseases and wounds. The silky side of the leaf is applied over tumors, boils, sores, and carbuncles, as an irritant to promote maturation and suppuration. The leaves are also used for extracting guinea worms. A drop of the leaf juice is used in otitis. An interesting point to note is that when the lower whitish-green hairy surface of the leaf is applied on the inflamed part, it accelerates suppuration while the upper smooth surface helps in wound healing.

Powder of the root is given with "ghee" as an alterative.
Elephantiasis the powder is given with rice water.
In inflammation of the joints it is given with milk and a little castor oil.
A paste of the roots made with rice water is applied over rheumatic swelling and rubbed over the body to reduce obesity.
This herb is:
- A good aphrodisiac
- Rejuvenates each and every cell of the body
- Useful in all rheumatic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis etc.
- Useful in hemorrhoids
- Imparts a glowing and healthy look to the body
- Nourishes the brain tissues
- Treates Dementia - it is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities. Argyreia speciosa  commonly known as Vridha daraka is widely used in ayurveda for the treatment of neurological disorders. Alzheimer's disease now common among old aged people can also be treated. A person becomes intelligent, with good memory and without any signs of aging if he takes Vidhara mool powder treated with the juice of Shatavari in a process described in Bhaishajya Ratnavali with Ghee (Ghrita) for one month.
It is found that the root of Argyreia speciosa may responsible for central nervous depressant activity as hypnosis, induced pyrexia and induced sleeping time in animals.
The extract of Argyrea nervosa var. speciosa leaves has antiulcer activity and cures the ulcers.
Researches show Antipyretic activity, Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects, Aphrodisiac property in Argyreia speciose root extracts.
Argyreia speciosa is a potent medicinal plant in the Indian systems of medicine. Traditionally it is used as an antibacterial, antifungal, antipyretic, etc.
The present study has been designed to evaluate the liver protective and in-vivoantioxidant role of Ethanolic extract (EtAS) and Ethyl acetate extract (EAAS) of roots of Argyreia speciose. Research also shows that the extracts of roots possessed strong antioxidant activity that protect liver cells against toxins as Silymarin a well-known liver protecting herbal formulation.
     Argyreia speciose has potential to cure erectile dysfunction and stimulating male sexual activity with an influence on sex ratio favouring males. Argyrea nervosa flowers exhibited aphrodisiac activity to a similar degree of its root extract.

Argyreia nervosa - Common Names

A brief Introduction:
Botanical name: Argyreia nervosa
Family: Convolvulaceae (Morning glory family)
Common Name: Elephant Creeper, Woolly Morning Glory, Hawaiian baby woodrose, silky elephant glory, Woolly Morning Glory,
  • ·        हिन्दी(Hindi) - घाव बेल (ghav bel), समुन्दर का पाट (samundar-ka-pat), समुद्र शोख (samudra-shosh), विधारा (vidhara)
  • ·        Marathi - गुग्गुळी (gugguli), समुद्रसोक (samudrasoka)
  • ·        Tamil: கடற்பாலை (katar-palai), சமுத்திரப்பாலை (samuttira-p-palai)
  • ·        Malayalam: samudrappacha
  • ·        Telugu: చంద్రపొద (chandra poda)
  • ·        Kannada: ಸಮುದ್ರ ಹಾಳೆ (samudra hale), ಸಮುದ್ರವಲ್ಲಿ (samudravalli)
  • ·        Bengali: bichtarak, goguli
  • ·        Konkani: समुद्रसोंक (samudra somk)
  • ·        Sanskrit: मूर्वा (murva), समुद्रफलक (samudraphalaka), समुद्रशोष (samudrashosha), वृद्धदारु (vriddadaru) 

Synonyms: Argyreia speciosa, Convolvulus nervosus, Lettsomia nervosa

There are two botanical varieties: Argyreia nervosa var. nervosa with its proven psychoactive value and Argyrea nervosa var. speciosa, a species used in ayurvedic medicine, but with little to no psychoactive value. The seeds of Argyreia nervosa var. nervosa contains the highest concentration of psychoactive compounds in the family. Traditional use of Argyreia nervosa var. speciosa in India usually employed the leaves and roots of the plants, which are not psychoactive, as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Argyreia nervosa var. nervosa plant has putative hallucinogenic properties and is famous for containing hallucinogenic ergoline alkaloids.

Pharmacological actions — Alterative, aphrodisiac, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, tonic, and emollient.


Vidhara (विधारा)

·         वानस्पतिक नाम : Argyreia nervosa.
·         प्रचलित नाम:Elephant Creeper, अधोगुडा, घाव बेल, समुद्र सोख, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Woolly Morning Glory.

आयुर्वेद में गुण:
·         रस (Taste) – कटु (Pungent), तिक्त (Bitter), कषाय (Astringent)
·         गुण (Characteristics) -  लघु (Light); स्निग्ध (Unctuous)
·         वीर्य (Potency) - उष्ण (Hot)
·        विपाका (Post digestion effect) - मधुर (Sweet) 
आयुर्वेद में प्रभाव:
·         त्रिदोषों पर प्रभाव (Effect on Tridosha):  विधारा मूल का प्रभाव प्रमुखतः कफ़ और वात दोषों पर होता है अतः इसका उपयोग वात, कफ़ और वात-कफ़ प्रधान/कारक रोगों में प्रभावी/लाभकारी होता है Vidhara mool pacifies Kapha and Vata Doshas in the body so it can be used effectively in management of all the diseases which originate from aggravation of Kapha/ Vata or both.).
·         रसायन: विधारा मूल शरीर की प्रत्येक कोशिका तक कार्य करती है और उन्हें बल प्रदान करती है. यह एक उच्च कोटि का वाजीकरण रसायन है.
·         वृष्य: यौन उत्तेजना वर्धक, वीर्य के गुण बढ़ता है, शुक्राणुओं कि संख्या बढ़ाता है, गर्भाशय की जलन/सूजन लाभकारी है.
·         आमवातहर: वात जनित रोगों एवं गठिया आदि रोगों में विशेष लाभकारी है.
·         अर्शहारा:  बवासीर/अर्श/हैमोरोइड में लाभकारी
·         शोथहर: विधारा मूल सभी प्रकार की सूजन या दर्द में राहत प्रदान करता है.
·         मेहाप्रनुत: विधारा मूल सभी प्रकार के मूत्र रोगों में लाभकारी होता है. यह मूत्र विसर्जन के द्वारा शरीर से शर्करा का निष्कासन करता है, अतः मधुमेह में लाभकारी होता है.
·         आयुष्कर: शरीर के सभी दोषों को दूर कर मनुष्य की आयु वर्धन करता है.
·         मेधावर्धक: मस्तिष्क को बल प्रदान करता है तथा तर्क एवं स्मरण शक्ति को बढ़ाता है.
·         कान्तिकर: त्वचा को कांतिमय तथा निर्दोष करता है.

           यह घाव को जल्दी भर देता है या मांस को जोड़ देता है। जब पत्ती के निचली बालों वाली या रोंएदार सतह को सूजन या घाव वाले हिस्से पर लगाते हैं तो यह उसे पका कर मवाद या पीप निकालने में मददगार होता है, जबकि ऊपरी चिकनी सतह घाव भरने में मदद करता है|
          विधारा मूल गैंग्रीन/कोथ/मांस के सड़ने के इलाज में सर्वाधिक उपयोगी है. गैंग्रीन/कोथ होने पर पैर गल जाते हैं और अंगुलियाँ भी गल जाती हैं पस भी पड़ जाए तो भी चिंता न करें. ये गैंग्रीन/कोथ के पुराने से पुराने घावों को ठीक कर देता है.
          रक्त वाहिनियों/सिराओं में सूजन व नसों में खिंचाव (Varicose veins) या चिक चढ़ जाने की बीमारी भी इससे ठीक होती है.
          शय्या व्रण या शय्या क्षत (Bedsore) के फोड़े/घाव में यह अत्यंत लाभकारी होता है.
          माहवारी/मासिक धर्म में, अल्सर में, आँतों के घाव में, शरीर के बाहर या अंदर के कोई भी घाव में इसके प्रयोग से रक्तस्राव रुक जाता है.
          किसी भी प्रकार सूजन या दर्द हो तो इसका पत्ता बाँधें, आराम मिलता है.
         इसके प्रयोग से बलगम और खांसी खत्म होती है.