



Thursday, December 27, 2012

Kevanch, Mucuna Pruriens, किवांच

COWHAGE, Kevanch, Mucuna Pruriens, किवांच
Indian Name : Atmagupta
Botanical Name : Mucuna Pruriens
Other Names : Kiwanch, Cowitch, Kapikachhu, Velvet bean, Cowhage plant, Mad Beans, Atmagupta, आत्मगुप्ता, Kapikacchu, कपिकच्छु, किवांच, Konch, कोंच, Yoruba, Kevanch, Kivanch

The plant is notorious for the extreme itchiness it produces on contact, particularly with the young foliage and the seed pods. The hairs lining the seed pods and the small spicules on the leaves contain 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) which cause severe itching when touched. The calyx below the flowers is also a source of itchy spicules and the stinging hairs on the outside of the seed pods are used in itching powder. In India, the application of cow dung and unrefined moist tobacco are very effective to treat the itching caused by the spicules of this herb.
The seeds must be soaked from at least 30 minutes to 48 hours in advance of cooking, or the water changed up to several times during cooking, since otherwise the plant can be toxic to humans. The plant and its extracts are used as a toxin antagonist for various snakebites and for diseases including Parkinson's disease as well as for treating anxiety, arthritis, parasitic infections, and a condition called hyperprolactinemia (Prolactin hormone is too high in blood). Kiwanch is sometimes used as a coffee substitute called "Nescafe" (not to be confused with the commercial brand Nescafé).Its seed powder contains high concentrations of levodopa, a direct precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Root is used as a remedy in facial paralysis and nervous disorders. Decoction of the roots purifies the blood, cures rheumatism, asthma, cough, stone in the bladder and improves vitality. It is also used for fevers, edema, and elephantiasis.
Another benefit of Mucuna is that it can increase the production of human growth hormone, and extracts are commonly sold as body-building supplements. Mucuna has also been shown to have diuretic effects. It increases tissue resiliency and improves coordination. In history, Mucuna has been used as an aphrodisiac. It is still used to increase libido in both men and women due to its dopamine inducing properties. Dopamine has a profound influence on sexual function.
Medicinal Properties and Benefits of Seeds:
1.                It act as precursor of the neural transmitter dopamine.
2.                It causes significant effect on glucose metabolism and arterial blood pressure.
3.                It stimulates the natural release of growth hormone.
4.                It functions to activate depressor neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) and caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM).
5.                It plays major roles as a neurotransmitter for baroreceptor reflex and blood pressure regulation. 6. It reduces body fat and decreases cellulite.
6.                It is used to cure fertility disorders, Parkinson’s disease and leprosy.
7.                It is useful in constipation, strangury, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea and ulcers.
It is used in inflammations, verminfuge and general debility.
NOTE: Please take an expert advice as per your requirement to confirm the benefits and doses. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Kaalmegh (Andrographis Paniculata) कालमेघ

कालमेघ (Andrographis Peniculata)
Common Name: कालमेघ, महातीता, महाभांग,
Part Used: Leaves and Root 
It shows hepatoprotective and potent anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant action. It improves non-specific immune response. Although both andrographis and beta glucan effective immune enhancers, Extracts of andrographis,have been shown to stimulate powerful immune responses in living creatures. The immune response may be specific directed at a microbial invader already present in the body, or generally, strengthening the immune system in preparation against future infections. Andrographis strongly stimulates phagocytosis and the production of specific antibodies.
The herb has a number of purported medicinal uses in treatment of upper respiratory infection, ulcerative colitis and rheumatic symptoms. There is no evidence of its effectiveness in cancer treatment. It shows a significant drying effect on the nasal secretions of cold sufferers in children.
***Pregnant women shouldn't use andrographis because it could terminate pregnancy.***
In one Chilean study from 1999, the herb had a significant drying effect on the nasal secretions of cold sufferers who took 1,200 milligrams of andrographis extract daily for five days. A 2012 study suggested that Andrographis paniculata extracts may have the potential to be used as a mosquito repellant. A 2006 study reported that extracts of Andrographis exhibited actions in mice.
 It has been traditionally used to treat infections and some diseases in Southern and Southeastern Asia. Mostly the leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes. It shows hepatoprotective action.
The whole plant has astringent, anodyne, antinflammatory, immunosuppressive and alexipharmic properties and useful in diarrhea, cholera, fever, diabetes, consumption, influenza, coryza, cough, sore throat, tonsillitis, ostiodynia, bronchitis, itches, artheralgia, mensural and ganorrhoea.

Remedies For
• Digestive  Promotes digestion
• Hepatoprotective  Protects the liver and gall bladder.
• Vermicidal  Kills intestinal worms & support intestine
• Anti-acne  Protect skin from pimples
• Analgesic  Pain killer
• Anti-inflammatory  Reduces swelling and cuts down exudation from capillaries
• Antibacterial  Fights bacterial activity. Although Andrographis appears to have weak direct antibacterial action, it has remarkably beneficial effect in reducing diarrhea and symptoms arising from bacterial infections.
• Expectorant  Promotes mucus discharge from the respiratory system.
• Hypoglycemic  Blood sugar reducer.
• Immune System Emproves
• Laxative  Aids bowel elimination
• Sedative  A relaxing herb, though not with the same effect as the accepted herbal sedatives, valerian roots, hops, skullcap, etc.

Bhringraj (Eclipta Alba) Eclipta, भृंगराज

Eclipta prostrata (Scientific Name: Eclipta alba) commonly known as false daisy, yerba de tago, and bhringraj, is a species of plant in the family Asteraceae. It is known as bhangra, bhringaraj, and bhringraja. Widelia calendulacea is known by the same names, so the white-flowered Eclipta alba is called white bhangra and the yellow-flowered W. calendulacea is called yellow bhangra.

भृंगराज को केशराज, केशरंजन आदि नामो से जाना जाता है.

The plant has traditional uses in Ayurveda. It is bitter, hot, sharp and dry in taste.
Bhringaraj is the main herb for the hair care and cirrhosis in Ayurveda. It is believed to maintain and rejuvenate hair, teeth, bones, memory, sight, and hearing.
It works to rejuvenate kidneys and liver. As oil, it treats graying and balding, makes the hair darker, and promotes deep sleep. It also improves complexion.
In Ayurveda, the root powder is used for treating hepatitis, enlarged spleen and skin disorders. Mixed with salt, it relieves burning urine sensation. Mixed with a little oil and applied to the head, the herb relieves headache.
Bhringraj is also used in to prevent repeated miscarriage and abortion. It is also used to relieve post-delivery uterine pain. The leaves of this herb are used to reduce uterine bleeding.
The extract taken of its leaves is mixed with honey and given to infants, for the expulsion of worms. Bhringaraj is also given to children in case of urinary tract infections.
Fumigation with Bhringaraj is considered to bring about relief in piles.
Bhringaraj oil is has anti-aging properties, as it has a rejuvenating effect on the body. It is also given as a general tonic in cases of debility.
Bhringaraj is used extensively by Ayurvedic practitioners, for treating skin diseases and eye infections.
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the herb is also used for treating hyperacidity.
It is reported to improve hair growth and colour. Petroleum Ether extracts of E. prostrata decreased the amount of time it took for hair to begin regrowing and to fully regrow.
भृंगराज की पत्तियों का रस का सेवन दही के साथ करने से पीलिया रोग में लाभ मिलता है. भृंगराज, बहेड़ा, आंवला और हर्रा के समभाग के चूर्ण के लेने से अम्लपित्त और यकृत की सूजन में लाभ मिलता है. भृंगराज के बीज मिश्री के साथ लेने से पौरुष शक्ति बढ़ती है. भृंगराज, प्याज और तुलसी के स्वरस में बराबर मात्रा में शहद मिलाकर इसकी बूंदे आँख में डालने से नेत्र ज्योति बढ़ती है.
बाल काले रखने हैं तो भृंगराज की ताजी पत्तियों का रस रोजाना सिर पर मल कर सोयें।
पीलिया एक जानलेवा रोग है ,लेकिन आप रोगी को पूरे भृंगराज के पौधे का चूर्ण मिश्री के साथ खिला दीजिये 100 ग्राम चूर्ण पेट में पहुंचाते ही #पीलिया ख़त्म . या फिर भृंगराज के पौधे को ही क्रश करके 10 ग्राम रस निकालिए ,उसमें 1 ग्राम काली मिर्च का पावडर मिलाकर मरीज को पिला दीजिये .दिन में 3 बार ,3 दिनों तक इस मिश्रण में थोड़ा मिश्री का चूर्ण भी मिला लीजियेगा ।
गुदाभ्रंश हो गया हो तो भृंगराज की जड़ और हल्दी की चटनी को मलहम की तरह मलद्वार पर लगाए इससे कीड़ी काटने की बीमारी मेंभी आराम मिलता है .गुदा भ्रंश में मल द्वार थोड़ा बाहर निकल आता है.
पेट बहुत खराब हो तो भृंगराज कीपत्तियों का रस या चूर्ण दस ग्राम लीजिये उसे एक कटोरी दही में मिला कर खा जाएँ ,दिन में दो बार ३ दिनों तक .
आँखों की रोशनी तेज रखनी है तो भृंगराज की पत्तियों का ३ ग्राम पाउडर १ चम्मच शहद में मिला कर रोज सुबह खाली पेट खाएं।
भृंगराज सफ़ेद दाग का भी इलाज करता है मगर काली पत्तियो और काली शाखाओं वाला भृंगराज चाहिए।इसे आग पर सेंक कर रोज खाना होगा ,एक दिन में एक पौधा लगभग चार माह तक लगातार खाए।
जिन महिलाओं को गर्भस्राव की बिमारी है उन्हें गर्भाशय को शक्तिशाली बनाने के लिए भृंगराज की ताजी पत्तियों का ५-६ ग्राम रस रोज पीना चाहिये|
त्रिफला के चूर्ण को भृंगराज के रस की ३ बार भावना देकर सुखा कर रोज आधा चम्मच पानी के साथ निगलने से बाल कभी सफ़ेद होते ही नही।
अगर कोई तुतलाता हो तो इसके पौधे के रस में देशी घी मिला कर पका कर दस ग्राम रोज पिलाना चाहिए ,एक माह तक लगातार।
इसके रस में यकृत की सारी बीमारियाँ ठीक कर देने का गुण मौजूद है लेकिन जिस दिन इसका ताजा रस दस ग्राम पीजिये उस दिन सिर्फ दूध पीकर रहिये भोजन नहीं करना है ,यदि यह काम एक माह तक लगातार कर लिया जाय तो कायाकल्प भी सम्भव है।

बच्चा पैदा होने के बाद महिलाओं को योनिशूल बहुत परेशान करता है,उस दशा में भृंगराज के पौधे की जड़ और बेल के पौधे की जड़ का पाउडर बराबर मात्रा  में लीजिये और शहद के साथ खिलाइये ,५ ग्राम पाउडर काफी होगा ,दिन में एक बार खाली पेट लेना है ७ दिनों तक!